In this 10-minute video, I share important information about cancer, chronic diseases and my HEALTH MODULE coaching program, which I created for cancer patients and everybody who is serious about prevention.
This program contains step-by-step strategies and protocols used by people who have healed cancer holistically. I also included my own healing protocols and treatments in detail. It will give you a roadmap to transform your life and start your own healing adventure.
Nowadays the number of people with chronic diseases and cancer is rapidly growing. This is caused by many factors, including the environment, diet, lifestyle choices and stress.
Those factors either promote health or promote disease, depending on the choices you make.
Today we know that cancer can be cured. Your body can do it if you only give it a chance. You just have to take care of it.
Regardless of whether you choose conventional or alternative treatments, working to rebuild your immune system will definitely bring you many benefits.
The aim of the HEALTH MODULE coaching program is to support the healing of your immune system and body. I am convinced that you can eliminate most of the cancer causing factors by introducing radical changes in your life by implementing anti-cancer diet supported by proper supplementation, detoxing your body and enviroment, regular excerciese, meditation and eliminating stress. These are the most important topics covered in in the program. You will also find information about the various causes of cancer and chronic diseases in general and how to monitor your progress in your healing process.
My inspiration to put this material together was first and foremost Chris Wark, whose recommendations I follow on a regular basis, as well as Anthony William, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynn McTaggart and other supporters of natural treatment methods.
The coaching program is only available in Polish language. However I highly recommend you to check out Chris Wark’s website: www.chrisbeatcancer.com, where you will find most of the information included in the HEALTH MODULE.

Dr. Norbert Szaluś
The results on the effectiveness of complementary methods supporting oncological treatment (used in many countries) are published in indexed medical periodicals. For example: a study has been published in the „Science Translational Medicine” about a group of patients with ovarian cancer who were given intravenous vitamin C and who were receiving chemotherapy at the same time. A longer overall survival and a significant reduction in side effects have been observed among patients receiving vitamin C compared to those not receiving it. There are already many similar studies, but third phase studies are still missing. There are more and more researches and scientific studies presented at scientific congresses. more
The Society for Integrative Oncology in the USA is very active and it conducts research on the above described methods.the USA. However, products from natural substances, e.g. vitamin C or resveratrol, cannot be patented and can therefore be produced by any laboratory. For example, Japanese, Australian or Turkish medicine are open to complementary methods, giving the patients greater chances for a more effective treatment and improving their quality of life. So far, none of the above methods have been registered by drug registration agencies in the USA or Europe. There are no patents, so there is no driving force that would be interested in a wider use of these substances. This does not mean, however, that they are not effective and are bad.
Cancer patients are often unable to complete their treatment due to side effects. This eliminates them from work and family life.
In the search for supportive methods, 15 years ago I came across the Japanese shiitake mycelium extract. its effects in combination with chemotherapy and immunotherapy are studied by many scientific centers around the world. I am constatly searching for other substances that could be equally helpful in supportive therapies.
It is interesting that the majority of people undergoing oncological treatment seek complementary therapies. A number of patients who are afraid of side effects of the conventional treatments come to my office. Sometimes I have patients who can not imagine chemotherapy or are after many cycles of treatment and no longer have the strength to continue. I also have patients whose oncological treatment failed and the convetional medicine has nothing more to offer them. Analyzing their situation and test results, I advice them how alternative therapies could help them, if at all. There are also patients who have therapies to reduce the probability of recurrence. Another goal of the therapies I apply on patients is to strenghten the immune system, i.e. plant based substances, whole body hyperthermia, probiotics etc. The problem of the so-called complementary approach is the fear of telling the attending physicians about it, despite of the many benefits of such treatments. It should not be like that. Another very important issue is the treatment of the cancer stem cells (cells that initiate the cancer), which are responsible for recurrence. One of the antibiotics is very promising in the therapy of these cells, as well as e.g. curcumin (both substances are used in intravenous form).
Eva has refused the conventional treatment recommended for her and after she made her decision, she decided to contact me. She became my patient right after her breast surgery. Her test and results are now stable. I am full of admiration for Eva’s determination and believe that her project can help many people gain valuable information that will help them make the right decision for themselves.
Dr. Norbert Szaluś
Graduated from the Military Medical Academy in Łódź in 2000. In 2006 he defended his doctorate in oncology and nuclear medicine. He is a specialist in nuclear medicine since 2007, currently specializing in clinical oncology.Author of about 100 scientific publications in foreign and domestic magazines in the field of diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases.
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